Thursday, October 24, 2013

Mouth of the South: John Schiavone Sports Blog

Wow, I guess I’m writing. It’s about time right? I mean you people probably think that I say I run this show mainly cause I have a pulse…..while that’s the case, I know sports as well, in fact well enough to get a spot in the finals of the WFAN Fantasy Phenom Contest.
So why am I gracing my own shows blog when I have others to do this? It’s simple. People need to learn something very important about our city and its sports teams…..Now sit down if you aren’t. If you are reading this while driving, please pull over. If you’re standing on the bus, please sit down. WE ARE NOT GOING TO WIN A CHAMPIONSHIP IN BASEBALL FOR A LONG LONG TIME!
This is Blasphemy right? How dare I say that! Am I crazy and delusional? No, unfortunately not but let’s take a look at each of our teams Just call this a state of our teams address…..Or the disarray.

Yankees: On the decline, aging superstars, almost no farm system to speak of and now a self imposed team salary cap? This is not the Yankees from the 2000’s or even from the 1990’s that actually built through the farm system. No. This is the end of a dynasty. Jeter is retiring, A-Roid is getting suspended, Cano will be resigned and we will not pick up ANY ONE ELSE! Cashman is serious about this cap. He seems serious about rebuilding but they talk about winning now. SO let’s recap team on decline, aging core, retiring heroes, overpaid busts, no farm system what so ever, half hearted rebuilding AND talk of win now…..A half hearted rebuild is an unsuccessful one. This team is in trouble and in the cellar of the AL East for at least the next 5 years unless a course is definitively picked and followed.

Mets: Do I need to continue? The ownership is so bad we have crazy slasher movie fans wanting to turn the front office into a reboot of a Michael Myers movie! The only headlines the Mets get are when people threaten us or when one of our VERY FEW actually major league ready players gets HURT! This seems to be the only thing this team is good at.
Now a self imposed deadline of “being good in 2014” has arrived but in reality, this team is no where closer to a championship then they were when Alderson took the job. In fact their worse off. We could win the minor league world series but forget a playoff spot. Forget a winning season, hell forget third place! Be realistic. We relied on Harvey and Wheeler to guide us forward, one half is gone. With Harvey down, David Wright pissed nobody on the free agent market and the Mets making systematic errors throughout Alderson’s tender (If you disagree, look at Marcum and ALL 3 OF HIS BULLPENS) I think they are going nowhere. However, we’ve become so accustomed to failure that we would take an 80 win season from our AAA1/2 baseball club that’s worth over $2.05 BILLION DOLLARS!

Recap- No money being spent, no trade talks, no fans coming to the park, and the owners being GOD AWFUL!! (At least Dolan spends money) This team is going nowhere fact. Unless the Mets get bought by the Nets owner, were screwed.

Well there you have it kids. Baseball fans, go watch the cyclones, they have a better on the field product than the Mets….Hey wait, maybe they can let the cyclones play instead of the Mets…..It’s not as if we’d know the difference!!


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

My top 10 Sports Icons/Innovators

Christopher De Lardge                                                                                                   9/17/13

Christopher’s Top Ten Sports Icons/Innovators

            Forty years ago the great tennis icon Billie Jean King defeated Bobby Riggs in the battle of the sexes in the Houston Astrodome in 1973. This changed the course of sports history in terms of now females can competed with males. Now this got me to thinking; what are my top ten sports icons/innovators of all time. To make this list you have to change your sport both in and outside, use your status to change society, or both. This is not limited to athletes just so you know. Let’s get started and let the debate begin.

1.      Jackie Robinson- The 1st African American to win Rookie of the Year in 1947. The same year he broke the MLB color barrier. The 1949 NL MVP and a six time all-star. With all the accolades Robinson he lasting impact will be how he changed America in a whole. This man faced the evils of racism in the field and outside. He is the reason why the Civil Rights Movement happened. He was a one man revolution. Make the hall of Fame in 1962. The first African-American to a play-by-play man for MLB on ABC in 1965. Without Jackie Mays, Arron, Banks, Gibson, Rollins, Jeter, Price, and Jones would have never played MLB. His number 42 is retired throughout baseball. “A life is not important except in the impact is has on other lives.”
2.      Billie Jean King- Her 39 Grand Slam Titles is very impressive. Her longing impact is the fight for equal play for ladies in tennis. This lady formed the WTA as a counter to the USTA. In 1968 Title IX made it possible all ladies to have equality in college and pro sports. In 1973 King defeated Bobby Riggs in the battle of the sexes in the Houston Astrodome. Ask the Williams Sisters, Martina, Graf and Maria about King they will tell you that she is one of the most important ladies in the 20th Century. In 2006 the USTA National Tennis Center in New York City was renamed the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center.
3.      Mohammed Ail- One of the greatest boxers of our generation. He was stripped of his heavyweight title in 1967 for his stance against the Vietnam War. He was the symbol of black empowerment. He was show time he made you watched boxing on ABC’s Wide World of Sports in the 60’s and 70’s every Saturday. These no doubt his is the greatest just ask Forman, Liston and Frazier. This can man talk the talk and he did walk the walk.
4.      Michael Jordan- A six time world champion, A six time NBA Finals MVP, a five time NBA MVP, a two time slam dunk champion and a part of the 1992 Dream Team. He is the greatest player of this generation. He is the first NBA player to have a global brand. He is the winner from within. The Jordan brand of his Nike Sportswear and sneakers is the brand of sportswear. He made the NBA popular in the 1990’s and along with the rise of the NBA of NBC in that same decade. It’s been over ten years since he played in the NBA yet the name Jordan is the symbol of greatness.
5.      Johnny Unitas- A 3x NFL MVP, Hall of famer in 1979, Super Bowl V champ. One of the clutch QB in the 50s and 60s. The founding father of the 3 step, 5 step drop, the four minute and the two minute drill. The face of the NFL and a key player of the 1958 NFL title game against the Giants in Yankee Stadium dubbed “The Greatest Game Ever Played.” Where the NFL went to the 1st sudden death Overtime. Drove to the Giants one yard line and hand the ball to Ameche to win the title. This was the game that made the NFL into the American spotlight. He was the QB that you did not want to face in the last 2 minutes in the game. He is one of the reasons why the NFL rose to become the most watched sport in America.
6.      Howard Cosell- He is the highest sportscaster on this list. He was the voice of Monday Night Football from 1970-1984. A part of ABC’s Wide World of Sports in the 1960’s and 1970’s. He was the voice of boxing. Covered Ali in the 60’s and 70’s. He changed sports casting by a sense of journalistic integrity. He was outspoken on issues of racism in sports. You either loved or hated Cosell but you watched him. He made NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle walk on eggshells because he was the one guy that worked with the NFL that is willing to tick them off. Always tell it like it is. When describing himself Cosell said it best Arrogant, pompous, obnoxious, vain, cruel, verbose, a showoff. There's no question that I'm all of those things.”   
7.      Steve Sabol- The crowned prince of NFL Films with his father Ed Sabol in 1962 until his death in 2012. His work at NFL Films brought us to close to the sidelines, paint portraits with icons of the games such as Johnny U, Joe Namath, Tom Landry, Jim Brown, Peyton Manning, Tom Brady and John Elway. Every game that we see on TV uses all the cinematic elements from the Sabol’s. 35 Emmy Awards that Sabol won for his work. He is the image of the NFL. The true meaning of an innovator.
8.      Wayne Gretzky- The NHL’s version of Michael Jordan. The all time leader in points, goals and assists. A four team Stanley Cup Champion with Edmonton Oilers in the 1980’s. He turned the Rexall Place into his playground always leaving you saying “Did I see what I just saw.” In 1988 Gretzky was traded to the Los Angeles Kings. He made the Kings into a playoff and a 1993 Stanley Cup Finals appearance he turned LA a non hockey market to one of the best hockey markets in the NHL. His success in LA make it possible for cites like Tampa, San Jose, Anaheim, Phoenix, Dallas, Raleigh, Florida, and Nashville all non-traditional hockey markets to have their franchises.
9.      Bryant Gumbel- One of the first African-American studio host. In 1975 NBC hired him to host the NFL Pregame show Grandstand. From 1975-1982 he hosted various sporting events with NBC Sports such as MLB, College Basketball and the NFL. In 1995 two years before he stepped down from The Today Show. He hosted and created HBO’s Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel.  Real Sports has earned 15 sports Emmys, and a 2006 Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Award for broadcast journalism, the first time in the award's history that it was given to a sports program. For me is one of the heroes that I would like to have the same career like. His insight, knowledge and command of the English language is someone that every inspiring sportscaster should strive to me. I’m not there yet but someday I will be.
10.  Arthur Ashe- The symbol of quiet strength in Tennis. He is the 1st and only African-American to win the US Open, Wimbledon and Australian Open. Despite the USTA barred him to play in their events. A fighter of social justice such as the Civil Rights Movement and the Anti-Apartheid Movement. In the 1980’s Ashe contracted HIV after a blood transfusion. Announced is condition in 1992. He became a fighter for HIV/AIDS treatment until his death in 1993. Ashe life can be best summarized with his best quote “From what we get, we can make a living. What we give; however, makes a life”         

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hollywood in the World Series: Here come the Dodgers

Hollywood in the World Series: Here come the Dodgers

Now as baseball season whines down we often look at teams that are poise to make that postseason run. Now my focus will be in the National League. Sorry to the good people in Atlanta it’s not the Braves. Yes I know that the Braves leads the NL with 143 Home Runs, 2nd In the National League runs scored with 538 runs and they are second in the NL in ERA with 3.21 that is without their ace Tim Hudson who is out for the year. Now here’s is the issue the Atlanta Braves that line up leads the NL in strikeouts with 1,020 with means they are a feast or famine offensive.
Now the team that I pick that will win not only win the National League pennant but will be the NL Rep in the World Series is your Los Angeles Dodgers. Now this is the same team that was in last place in a weak NL West and the same team that people wanted the head of its manager Don Mattingly. That was prior to the all star break but since the break they went from last to first on that division. Now you ask yourself how they did it well it start on the mound with my pick for NL Cy Young and be might win NL MVP in Clayton Kershaw. I know he is 11-1 but he leads the NL in ERA with 1.88 that is dominating. This boy can throw as four seam fastball, a slider that will buckle and his change-up it’s a wrap. Oh in by the way his is 2nd in the NL K’s with 174. Along him you have Zack Greinke he is a perfect number 2 after Kershaw. Don’t let his 3.21 ERA and is 99 K’s fool you. This pitcher can make the best batters in the NL look bad. His toolbox of pitches are four-seam fastball from 93-96 Mph, two-seam fastball from 92-95 Mph, 91 Mph cutter and a 86 Mph cutter. He is a pitcher. A damn good one at that. The 3rd pitcher of this trio hails from South Korea Hyun-Jin Ryu. He is not the flamethrowers of Kershaw and Greinke. But he will give it you on the mound.

With pitching you must have the bats to come to the party. Those bats are led by my NL rookie of the year winner Yasiel Puig. When the Dodgers call him up the Dodgers are being called the most disappointed team in the NL and a team that money can’t buy. This rookie is batting .373, 11HR and 27 RBI. He is must see TV. His at bats makes you pause and wonder that would Puig to next. He has a glove of Jr. Griffey and the cannon of Vlad. He put a spark in this team in which they are a show in LA and in MLB. Along with him you are Hanley Ramirez who now has matured and grown up. This is not the lazy and let so talented player in South Beach in years past. I know he has not been healthy. When healthy he is one of the premier players in baseball. He has speed, power and will do a web gem that will air on SportsCenter. You have Adrian Gonzalez one of the best bats in the game and once of the best gloves at 1st base. Andre Either may not be the bat or the glove of Puig. Andre can play centerfield well. They are winning without their face of the franchise Matt Kemp. Now when Matt Kemp comes back healthy this team will run all over the NL all the way to the World Series and you have Kenley Jansen who is one of the best closers in the game. A LA Motown World Series will be a show and that will make FOX very happy indeed.  

Monday, August 12, 2013

The Next Closer

The Next Closer by Jonathan Pariente

                                                            The Next Closer

            In baseball it’s not how you start but how you finish. The formula is for the

starting pitcher to go as deep into the ballgame as possible and to turn it over in the 9th

inning to the most important pitcher with the responsibility of getting the final 3 outs, the

closer. Baseball has seen some of the greatest closers such as Goose Gossage, Bruce

Sutter, Rollie Fingers, Lee Smith, Dennis Eckersley and more take the mound and

sometimes go above and beyond when it came to getting the final outs.

            But one closer in particular has epitomized and raised the bar for how to handle

the pressure of pitching in the final inning, securing the last 3 outs your team needs for

victory. The man I refer to is the legendary Mariano Rivera. Rivera currently is the all

time saves leader. But he didn’t become the closer overnight. Rivera went through many

trials and tribulations including having major arm surgery, his main and only pitch being

a fastball, and nearly being dealt from the Yankees.  He in fact began his career as a

starter. He made his Major League debut against the California Angels on May 23, 1995.

He started the game for injured pitcher Jimmy Key, and gave up 5 earned runs in 3 1/3

innings. He would finish the year with an era over 5.

            After an impressive 5 1/3 scoreless innings of relief in the 1995 ALDS, it was

decided that Rivera would move to the bullpen and become a full time reliever. In 1996,

Rivera would serve as the 7th and 8th inning bridge to closer John Wetteland on route to

the Yankees first world title since 1978. In 1997, after Wetteland left, Rivera became the

Yankees closer and the rest they say is history. He would go on to win 4 world series

titles, including being named the World Series MVP in 1999. All this Rivera has done

with the help of a signature cut fastball that he learned by accident in 1997 when playing

catch with a fellow teammate, and perfected as his bread and butter for 16 years.

            With the great Rivera announcing his retirement at the end of the 2013 season, the

question that arises becomes who will be the next Mariano Rivera? I firmly believe that

nobody now or in the near future is ever going to put up numbers like Rivera. Nobody is

going to throw the cutter like Rivera, and no closer for a long time will surpass Mo for

the most saves in history. Rivera’s career regular season ERA of 2.22, and a career 0.70

ERA in the postseason are numbers we might never see again.

            But the closer today that I feel really has the same type of strikeout stuff, relies on

a fastball, and has the presence that when he’s in the game as the opponent you almost

immediately feel like the game is over, is Atlanta Braves closer Craig Kimbrel. The

numbers Kimbrel has already put up at 25 years old is astounding. On May 9, 2013,

Kimbrel became the 2nd youngest player in MLB to reach 100 saves. He has a career 1.40

ERA in 4 years in the majors which already is better than what Rivera had in his first 4

years, averages 15.5 strikeouts per 9 innings, has over 350 strikeouts, and by season’s end

could establish a 3rd straight season of 40 saves.

            Kimbrel is already a 3 time All Star (2011, 2012, 2013), has led the National

League in saves twice (2011, 2012), and established the MLB record for saves by a

rookie with 46. He currently posts a 2.08 postseason ERA. With 4 years on his resumé,

Kimbrel has slowly earned the title of being the next great closer in MLB and will be

once Rivera retires at the end of the year. Barring any setbacks, if Kimbrel were to

average 40 or more saves a year (he currently has 125 saves now) he could reach 600 saves

before turning 40 years old. The argument at the end is Kimbrel was never a starter, and

came up to the majors as a reliever, and hasn’t been to a World Series yet, but given time

the impact Kimbrel will have in MLB as the next great closer begins in 2014.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Mets Missing Piece in the Rotation

Now the Mets have one of the most promising staffs in the National League. Mets fans have dreams that this staff can be the close to the 1980's with Doc, Bobby O and Darling. Or the Braves staff of the 1990's. Both of them one World Series. The Mets in 1986 and the Braves in 1995 and many fell that they should won more then once. They are missing that piece. My man Carlos Montanez being the well informed Mets fan breaks it down on where's its at.

The Mets have a lot of holes to fill this offseason, but what about a veteran arm? If they have the money to spend like they say they do, who would you rather have? A pitcher who goes out every fifth day and is subpar at best like a Barry Zito? Or an impact player, when healthy is very good like a Chris Carpenter or a Johan Santana. I bring this up because the Mets strength going into next season is pitching. What if they can bring back Johan Santana on a minor league deal similar to what Marlon Byrd makes? This can be a low risk, high reward pick up. If the money is there this off season, I don't see why this cannot be an option.
At the end of the 2006 season, Barry Zito signed a seven-year $126M deal. This was the biggest contract given to a pitcher during that time period. In his seven years with the San Francisco Giants, the former Cy Young award winner has posted 62-77 record and an ERA of 4.53 as of August 8th, 2013. In 21 starts this season, Zito has pitched every fifth game and compiled a 4-8 record with an ERA of 5.21. Was his production deserving of the $126M?
Meanwhile in flushing, there is a pitcher, when healthy impacted the Mets franchise in ways Tom Seaver or Dwight Gooden have felt short of doing. Johan Santana will always be remembered for his heroic efforts on June 1st, 2012 when he pitched the first no-hitter in Mets history. What about when he almost single handedly carried this team to the postseason in 2008 with a torn meniscus?
In his four years playing for the Mets, six altogether, he has put up good numbers. He led the National League with a 2.53 ERA in 2008, the best in his 12 year playing career. His ERA as a New York Met is 3.18. Yes, he missed a significant amount of time, but when he was on the mound, he has produced. Now that he is recovering from a second torn shoulder capsule, he should be healthy by spring training of next season. Yes, he has to prove that he is able to pitch at a big league level. If he can, why not bring him back on a minor league contract?
The Mets have the depth in the rotation, but lack the veteran presence. He is beloved by the city of New York and has unfinished business because he was brought here to bring a championship back to Queens.  He will not be the main attraction, but mentoring guys like Matt Harvey, Zack Wheeler, Jonathan Niese and Noah Syndergaard can prove vital in there maturity. Santana’s tutelage could make this Mets team one step closer to playing baseball in October.
At age 34, if Santana can get big league hitters out, I don't see why Sandy Alderson can’t sign him to a Marlon Byrd type contract. The worst thing that can happen is if Santana gets re-injured. The Mets have enough pitching for Santana’s health not to be an issue, but the reward is that he can come back and win some ball games in the back end of the rotation. Sandy, worry about the holes in the outfield and infield. The pitching is there.

In 2006, Julio Franco's club house presence shaped up an immature Carlos Beltran. Beltran that year ended up with his best all around season, finishing with 41 homeruns and 116 RBI's. The Mets won 97 games that year and reached the National League Championship Series. Who says the same thing can't happen with Santana? In 2014, Santana's presence could be the key to October for the Mets pitching staff; the question is who will be the Carlos Beltran in their rotation?

The Nets Five Year Plan or Better Yet Two Year Plan

Well the Brooklyn Nets had a five year plan. Now its a two year plan to have a parade in Brooklyn. I let my boy Carlos Montanez break it down for you.

In three years under the ownership of Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov, the Brooklyn Nets have vastly improved, but how? During their final year in New Jersey, the Nets welcomed the arrival of all-star point guard, Deron Williams. In Prokhorov’s second year, the team had themselves a star.
New city, new home; as Nets began to relocate to downtown Brooklyn, the big question was, which Nets team was going to show up? A contender or a 22 win team from a year before? The Nets front office and General Manager, Billy King spent big money by resigning Deron Williams and acquiring Joe Johnson via a sign and trade with the Atlanta Hawks. Both stars received very lucrative contracts. From a 22 win team to a 49 win team, the Nets were poised to make a strong run in the playoffs. What happened?
After the first month of the season in Brooklyn, the Nets had already made a coaching change. Prokhorov’s hunger for an NBA championship had grown stronger. The first signs of dysfunction meant major changes in the locker room. Avery Johnson who coached the Nets the previous two seasons was fired and replace by assistant coach PJ Carlesimo.
Carlesimo fared well when taking over the team in mid-December, but came up short in the playoffs after a first round elimination from the Chicago Bulls. Again Prokhorov was not pleased and Carlesimo was let go.
The Nets are now entering their fourth year of Prokhorov’s five-year plan which is reminiscent to world history and Joseph Stalin’s five year economic plan in Soviet Russia. With two years left to win an NBA title, Prokhorov will pay a $77 Million dollar luxury tax for going over the salary cap. Do you smell desperation? During this year’s NBA draft, the Nets made a blockbuster deal, trading for the Celtics Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett and Jason Terry for first-round picks in the 2014, 2016 and 2018 draft; they also shipped former first round pick MarShon Brooks and others. So the Nets are putting everything on the table, relying on two aging veterans like Pierce and Garnett. They have a new head coach in Jason Kidd, who is months removed from his playing career and has no coaching experience. Garnett has been injury prone late in his career especially during the 2012-13 season. These two are expected to play 40 minutes a game which is not going to happen at their age. The team needs depth. Billy King was aware of this and acquired a reliable bench to back up their starting five. Players such as, Andrei Kirilenko, Jason Terry, Andre Blatche, Shaun Livingston and Reggie Evans make a strong bench, even with the cap space the Nets have. But, what happens if the five year plan does not live up to Prokhorov’s expectations? Will the Nets have a fire sale similar to the Celtics of this year?
The window to win is two years; when Pierce and Garnett are long gone, the Nets will be paying the consequences of those draft picks. The Nets future will be promising, that is because the Boston Celtics will be experiencing their success. Kudos to Danny Ainge for the job he has done with the Celtics. He was aware that father time had taken his toll on an aged Celtics team.
How much does father time have left, since they will dine the Nets black and white this upcoming season?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Miami Dolphins: The Team that will rise in 2013

         Well ladies and gentleman it’s finally here football is one month way. This is where all the hope and dreams that your team will hoist the Vince Lambadi trophy or be that surprise team. Each year we pick one due to the free agents that they acquired, players that are ready to take that next step and see what they did at the end of the year to bring hope to that particular fan base.
            Now the team that I pick will not make New York Jets happy at all. I think the Jets will go 4-12 but that another story for another day. The team I picked play in the same division as the Jets in the AFC East. My pick takes me to south beach. That’s right I rolling with the Miami Dolphins. Now I know the Dolphins went 7-9 3rd in the AFC East better then everyone expected in 2012. I know you are asking yourself this question how are Dolphins your surprise team in 2013? Well I’m glad you ask and I will answer that question.
            Now last year the Dolphins had the 8th pick in the draft. They drafted Ryan Tannehill the QB from Texas A&M. Tannehill had a solid rookie year. He threw for 3,294 yards a Dolphin rookie record. He has the built of what GM's look for in quarterback. He is 6’4 and 214 lbs. He threw for 12 Touchdowns and 13 Int’s. Watching Tannehill play I see a QB that is willing to grow and mature as a passer and he taking somewhat a leadership role. Only if Mark Sanchez is willing to do that I’m just saying.
            The Dolphins were active in free agency. Miami signed former Steelers WR Mike Wallace to a 5 year/$60 million deal. Mike Wallace is one those Wideouts that you can’t teach that speed. He can blow by DB’s and he is among the league leaders in yards after the catch. Now is he the precise route runner of a “Megatron” Calvin Johnson of the Detroit Lions or Andre Johnson of the Houston Texans no he is not. But the Phins were in the bottom 5 in passing yards. In short you have no WR's to stretch the field and make defensive coordinators be on alert on stopping that guy from beating them. Plus they signed former Jets Tight End Dustin Keller to a one year deal. When healthy he can be a solid good pass catching Tight End and which make offensive better along with Ben Hartline as your classic procession receiver. Losing Jake Long and Reggie Bush is major concern that I have.
            On defense you added players to go along with Randy Starks and Cameron Wake who is one of the game’s best pass rushers. Last year he had 15 sacks. Along with him you added Dannell Ellerbe who won a super bowl with the Baltimore Ravens last year. He is a complete linebacker who can tackle and play in pass coverage. He will be the starting middle linebacker in South Beach. Having a teammate and future hall of famer in Ray Lewis in Baltimore as a mentor will pay big dividends in South Beach. Also they signed former Atlanta Falcons cornerback Brent Grimes to a 1 year/$5.5 million deal. I know is a major health risk but when healthy he one of the best corners who can cover and tackle. The Dolphins are hoping that Grimes will revert to his 2010 Pro Bowl season where is had 5 Int’s and 87 tackles.

            With all the moves that say made and coach Joe Philbin entering his second year the Dolphins are posed to have a good season. I predict that the Phins will go 10-6 and make the playoffs as a Wild Card.     

Monday, August 5, 2013

Who is Baseball's most dominant starter

Who is baseball’s most dominant starter today?
By Jonathan Pariente

The game of baseball has seen its share of dominance in starting pitching for many years. It started with the man who is the all time leader in wins, and the award his name now bears given to the best starting pitcher for the regular season, Cy Young.

Below is a list of starting pitchers that I believe were the best pitchers from the 1930s until today with stats and facts to back it up.

1930s Carl Hubbell

253 wins, Career 2.98 ERA
9 time All Star (1933-1938, 1940-1942)
2 time National League MVP (1933, 1936)
1933 World Series Champion
Led the NL in wins 3 times (1933, 1936, 1937)
Led the NL in ERA 3 times (1933, 1934, 1936)
One Career No Hitter (1929)
1933 Threw complete game 18 inning shutout

Struck out Lou Gehrig, Jimmie Foxx, Joe Cronin, Babe Ruth, and Al Simmons in succession in the 1934 All Star Game.

1940s Bob Feller

266 wins, 279 complete games, 44 shutouts, and 3.25 ERA.
Led the American League in wins 6 times, (1939-1941, 1946-1947, 1951) 
Led the American League in Strikeouts 7 times (1938-1941, 1946-1948)
8 time All Star (1938-1941, 1946-1948, 1950)
1940 Triple Crown Winner
1948 World Series Champion
3 career No Hitters (1940, 1946, 1951)
Served 4 years in World War II

1950s Warren Spahn

363 wins, Career 3.09 ERA
1957 Cy Young Award Winner
1957 World Series Champion
17 time All Star (1947, 1949-1954, 1956-1959(dheader), 1961(dheader), 1962(dheader), 1963
Warren Spahn Award (given to best left handed pitchers for the year) named in his honor.
2 career no hitters
Famous saying: “Hitting is Timing. Pitching is upsetting timing." 

1960s Sandy Koufax

165 wins, Career 2.76 ERA
3 time Cy Young Award Winner (1963, 1965, 1966)
4 time World Series Champion (1955, 1959, 1963, 1965)
2 time World Series MVP (1963, 1965)
3 time Triple Crown Winner (1963, 1965, 1966)
4 career no hitters, 1 Perfect Game (September 9, 1965)
6 time All Star (1961-1966)

1970s Tom Seaver

311 wins, Career 2.86 ERA
3 time NL Cy Young Award Winner (1969, 1973, 1975)
1967 NL Rookie of the Year
Led NL in ERA 3 times (1970, 1971, 1973)
Led NL in Wins 3 times (1969, 1975, 1981)
Led NL in Strikeouts 5 times (1970, 1971, 1973, 1975, 1976)
1969 World Series Champion
One Career No Hitter June 16, 1978
12 time All Star (1967-1973, 1975-1978, 1981)

1980s Nolan Ryan

324 wins, Career 3.19 ERA
8 time All Star (1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1985, 1989)
7 Career No Hitters (2 in 1973, 1974, 1975, 1981, 1990, 1991)
5,714 Strikeouts (All Time Leader)
1969 World Series Champion

1990s Greg Maddux

355 wins, Career 3.16 ERA
8 time All Star (1988, 1992, 1994-1998, 2000)
1995 World Series Champion
4 time NL Cy Young Award Winner (1992-1995)
18 time Gold Glove Award Winner (1990-2002, 2004-2008)

2000s Randy Johnson

303 wins, Career 3.29 ERA 4,875 Strikeouts (2nd all time) Most ever by a lefty.
10 time All Star (1990, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004)
2001 World Series Champion
5 time Cy Young Award Winner (1995, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002)
World Series MVP 2001
Triple Crown winner (2002)
Pitched no Hitter June 2, 1990
Pitched Perfect Game May 18, 2004
Led the League in Strikeouts 9 times (1992-1995, 1999-2002, 2004)
Led the League in ERA 4 times (1995, 1999, 2001, 2002)
Has defeated every major league team at least once
10.6 Ks/9 innings

2010s Clayton Kershaw

3 time All Star (2011, 2012, 2013)
NL Cy Young Award Winner (2011)
Gold Glove Award Winner (2011)
NL Triple Crown (2011)
NL Strikeout Champion (2011)
2 time MLB ERA Champion (2011, 2012)
NL Wins Champion (2011)
Warren Spahn Award Winner (2011)

Clayton Kershaw currently has 73 wins at just 25 years old. Currently has a career 2.63 ERA, 3rd all time in the live ball era, and the best ERA all time for an active starting pitcher who has thrown at least 1,000 innings in the live ball era. 

Over 1150 strikeouts, 9.2 strikeouts per 9 innings, a WHIP of 1.089, since 2009 has had an era below 3. The scariest part is he isn’t even in his prime yet. He also has not had more losses than wins in any regular season of his career. Plus, his demeanor on the mound and his curveball remind me of Sandy Koufax. Koufax had he pitched longer could easily have had 300 wins, and his game was improving up until he had to retire at the age of 30. I feel as though Kershaw is like a mirror image of Koufax, both of whom are left handers, have the best curveball, and very deceptive deliveries. 
It is rare that I ever compare someone to another pitcher. 

Given time, Clayton Kershaw could go down in history as one of the greatest starting pitchers in the history of baseball, and once the legendary Mariano Rivera retires at the end of the 2013 season, he will have the best ERA for all active players.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

2014 Free Agents that the Mets should go after

Hey Sandy Alderson. Mr Met GM you there. Hello even though I'm not a Mets Fan. I have friends and family that bleed Mets Orange and Blue. They said to me to speak in their behalf. Sandy I compiled of list of free agents that you should consider. Take my advice it will save your job not anger the Mets Fan. I'm just saying.

2014 Free Agents that the Mets should go after
First Base:
  1.  Adam Lind-Toronto Blue Jays. 13 HR, .291 BA, 40 RBI. Can provide a constant power source. Good glove and other then Edwin Encaranaion the lone bright spot for a very disappointing Blue Jays that many said should be the AL rep in the World Series. He makes $5,000,000 per year and is arbitration legible this offseason. He is 30.   
  2.  James Loney-Tampa Bay Rays. 10 HR, .316 BA (5th), 51 RBI. May not hit a high amount of HRs but he is not a bad glove and be a key piece to the Mets in the long term. Not bad for a guy that signed a 1yr/$2 million deal. Age 29.
  3. Mike Morse-Seattle Mariners. 12 HR, .245 BA, 25 RBI. This might me the highest risk free agent in this class. He is having a career lows in HRs, Average and RBI’s. Also played in 52 games due to injuries. Can he get back to the player he was in 2011 where is hit 31HR,  .303 BA, 95 RBI? That is the question. Age 31  
  4. Paul Konerko-Chicago White Sox. 7 HR, .247 BA, 35 RBI. He is not the back to 40 HR hitter that is was in 2004 and 2005. However he is patient in the plate. Three of the last 4 years only once he stuck out over 100 times. Provides leadership and the White Sox are looking to rebuild. Could be a piece to either spot start or be a pinch hitter at the end of his career.
  5. Todd Helton-Colorado Rockies. 7 HR, .262 BA, 36 RBI. For 17 years he has been Mr. Rockie. He is not the player has he was he won the 2000 NL MVP. Both Helton and Konerko are great gloves, leaders and winners. I know he is 39 yrs old. This might the piece that a young team that wants to take the next step.

1.      Jhonna Peralta-Detroit Tigers. 10 HR, .307 BA, 53 RBI. He might be the best shortstop in this free agent class. The man has power and a glove. However due to the possible suspensions from baseball investigation of PED use. He might be a risk to sign. He might have an incentive laden deal.
2.      Yunel Escobar-Tampa Bay Rays. 8 HR, .253 BA, 42 RBI. One of the games’s best fielding shortstops. It is no shocked that the Rays are have the second fewest errors in baseball. This could be best fit for the Mets are 7th in Baseball in errors with 73.
3.      Rafael Furcal-St Louis Cardinals. In 2012 5HR, .264 BA, 49 RBI. I know what you are thinking how is he 3rd on your list of free agent list. He is a winner if he can come back to the NL All Star form of years past you have a steal.
4.      Stephen Drew-Boston Red Sox 7 HR, .230 BA, 38 RBI. Now he has been prone to injury. But when healthy he can give you some pop. He is not the same player when he was the D-Backs but for cheap you give him a 2 year $14 million deal.
5.      Clint Barmes-Pittsburgh Pirates. 2 HR, .225 BA, 14 RBI. I still think he can be a good shortshop in the NL. He can glove but not have the power.

1.      Jacoby Ellsbury-Boston Red Sox. 5 HR, .301 BA (10th), 35 RBI, 39 SB. Now everyone suspect I would put Shin-Soo Choo as number 1. I can’t however he is 29 years old at the prime of this career. He can play a hell of a centerfield in Fenway Park. The man can bat leadoff or second. He is a 3 time AL stolen bases champ. He makes $9 million this year. He may want a deal of at least $10 million plus. That is if Boston does not resign at the end of the year. He is 29.
2.      Giancarlo Stanton-Miami Marlins. 13 HR, .252 BA, 34 RBI. He is only 23 yrs old. He is one of the best young power bats in baseball. From 2011-2012 Stanton had back-to-back 30 homerun seasons. You can’t teach this type of pop. He has made it known to the Marlins that I’m not coming back and he is arbitration legible this offseason. He can be that bat that you need to build around on.
3.      Shin-Soo Choo-Cincinnati Reds 14 HR, .283 BA, 33 RBI. He leads all Lead of hitters with 14 HR. He is fine outfielder with speed not speed like Ellsbury. Like Stanton he is arbitration legible in 2014. All points that he will resign with the Reds because he loves Dusty Baker. However if he declares he can be a guy that makes your team better. He can’t be your face of the franchise.
4.      Carlos Beltran-St. Louis Cardinals. 19 HR (7th), .297 BA, 57 RBI. Beltran is considered to be the finest outfielders in the game today. The man can hit, field and run. I know his health has been an issue however he can make your lineup deeper. From 2006-2009 with the Mets Beltran has driven over 100 RBI’s. He is on pace to have another 25 HR season. He is not flashy but he has value.
5.      Nelson Cruz-Texas Rangers. 25 HR, .272 BA, 73 RBI. Like Jhonna Peralta he might take a hit from the PED’s scandal due to the fact he is a free agent. This boy has power at Right field. For five straight years he hit over 20 home runs. His glove needs help in my point of view. He is very aggressive hitter for 4 straight years over 100 Strikeouts. He can hit in Rangers Ballpark in Arlington. We will see if he can hit for that average in another ball park.

Note Sandy you have $60 Million dollars off your books with the contacts of Johan and Jason Bay. Use the money wisely. I’m just saying. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Case against Ranger GM Glen Sather

The Case against Ranger GM Glen Sather
Now as a long time New York Rangers Fan. I always supported the Blueshirts. Yes I do bleed NY Ranger blue. I was nine when Richter, Graves, Leetch and the captain Messier lead the Rangers into the 1994 Stanley Cup Finals. As Rangers fan the curse of 1940 was over we had a parade in Broadway. Since then we had no parade or even a Stanley cup appearance since 1994. There is one man that is on my hit list that is Rangers GM Glen Sather.
Since 2000 Glen Sather as GM of the Rangers has hired 5 coaches and himself as coach in 2003-2004. His 1st 4 years the Rangers failed to make the playoffs finishing 4th place in the division each time. His coaching hiring’s included Ron Low, Brian Trottier, Tom Renney, John Tortorella that same coach that brought to a game 6 at the Eastern Conference Finals against the New Jersey Devils at the Prudential Center. We all know what happened in overtime. Now Alain Vigneault the former head coach of the Vancouver Cancuks who led the Cancuks to back to back President Trophy winners (best record in the NHL) in 2010 and 2011 and lost to the Boston Bruins in 7 in 2010 Stanley Cup Finals and lost in 5 to the eventual Western Conference Champions the Los Angeles Kings.
His free agent flops included signing players like Darius Kasparaitis in 2002, Bobby Holik at the end of his prime, Scott Gomez the former Devil who only cracked the 70 point mark once in 2007 after signing a seven-year, $51.5 million contract and has 16 goals in 2007 and 2008. Money will spend indeed. Chris Drury who Glen signed for a five-year, $35.25 million contract in 2007 in his tenure in NY the man never scored 30 goals. Then you have Brad Richards. Yes that Brad Richards that won a cup in Tampa Bay with Trots in 2004. Glen signed him to a nine year deal worth $58.5 million contract in 2011. After scoring 25 goals and having 41 assists in 2011. Then he then goes to have career lows in goals in 11 and have 23 assist this past year. The Rangers could have used their amnesty clause to get rid of Richards which will not hit the cap at $6.6 million. Glen decides to keep him. The only saving grace that Glen has is we drafted well. Such as Henrik Lundqvist, Brandon Dubinsky, Ryan Callahan, Marc Staal, and Michael Del Zotto. Oh and by the way if Glen would have amnestied Richards you would have saved $29 million dollars and not have a $6.6 million cap hit this year. In case you are wondering why this is important is the fact that both Callahan and Lundqvist are free agents at the end of this season. You could use that money to lock them up long term. I’m just saying that would help.

Let’s see overpriced free agents plus 4 times past the first round in playoffs. Made the Conference Finals once since 1996 and have made it to the Stanley Cup finals since you won it all in 1994. Also Glen has not won a cup since 1990 and let James Dolan our dear owner has a cuddle teddy bear of Glen. He must have one of Thomas as well that’s a whole another story for another day. 13 years and no rings as GM. Congrats Glen you are public enemy number one in NY Rangers fans eyes.   

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Alain Vigneault: Welcome to Broadway

Glen Sather the GM and President of the New York Rangers has handpicked former Vancouver Cancuks head coach Alain Vigneault to become the new head coach. This has the potential to make the Rangers a better team and put some offensive punch for a team that we’re in the bottom five in goal per game at 2.27 per game, power play chances, and power play goals.
 Outgoes John Trotorella who compiled a record of 171-115 that is a .597 winning percentage. All though his defensive minded approach to hockey turned the New York Rangers into one of the best defensives in the NHL. Under the five Trotorella was behind the bench his teams were among the top five in goals allowed at 2.21 per game and we’re tops in block shots. However his defensive style of hockey failed to get the Rangers into the Stanley Cup Finals. Yes I know that Trots send to the Rangers to the playoffs 4 of his 5 years as coach however only once in 2011 did the Rangers have gotten to the Eastern Conference Finals for only the 3rd time in the last 20 years and the 1st since 1997. As you know they lost in 6 to the New Jersey Devils at the Prudential Center in Newark. Trotorella was fired after losing in 5 to the eventual Eastern Conference Champs the Boston Bruins. Also what cause Trots to be fired his style of playing which tired out Brad Richards, forced Marion Gaborik out of NYC and traded to Columbus and of course his cold nature to the press in the biggest media market in the word does not help matters at all.
Now here comes Alain Vigneault who got fired out of Vancouver after 7 successful seasons. He turned the Cancuks into one of NHL most explosive offensives in the NHL. They always were among the top 10 in goal scoring and power play goals. With players like the Henrik Sedin and his brother Daniel Sedin, Ryan Kesler who when healthy can give you 30 goals a season. In his 7 years as the head man in Vancouver he compiled a record of 313-170 with a winning percentage of .648 and miss the playoffs only once in his seven years as coach in Vancouver. I know he lost to the Boston Bruins in the 2011 Stanley Cup Finals in 7. In 2010 and 2011 both times they won the President’s Trophy. That’s the award given to the team that had the best regular season record. Last year they lost in a sweep in the 1st round in the Western Conference Finals to the San Jose Sharks. Vancouver GM Mike Gillis fired Alain after not only winning a cup in his seven years and losing 8 of the last 9 playoffs games.     
So now he comes to New York Rangers to try to make Rick Nash a star forward like Daniel Sedin. Hopefully we can give Brad Richards a boost to save his career. There is no doubt that Vigneault’s offense can make Richards like the player that Henirk Sedin in Vancouver. I do think he can make Carl Hagelin who has the skill set to be a great goal scorer like Ryan Kesler. He inherits a defensive that is rich with talent led by Ryan McDonagh, Michael Del Zotto, Dan Girardi, and Mark Stall. Also it’s a great thing to have behind the net Henrik Lundqvist the best goalie in the game. He has all the tools to get the New York Rangers to get to the Stanley Cup for the first time since 1994.   
Yes I know this is Glen Sather’s sixth head coach in 13 years. The window might be starting to close for the Blueshirts. Now is the time let’s hope that Vigneault can lead the Rangers to a parade to the Canyon of Heroes with the Stanley Cup in his hand.