Thursday, October 24, 2013

Mouth of the South: John Schiavone Sports Blog

Wow, I guess I’m writing. It’s about time right? I mean you people probably think that I say I run this show mainly cause I have a pulse…..while that’s the case, I know sports as well, in fact well enough to get a spot in the finals of the WFAN Fantasy Phenom Contest.
So why am I gracing my own shows blog when I have others to do this? It’s simple. People need to learn something very important about our city and its sports teams…..Now sit down if you aren’t. If you are reading this while driving, please pull over. If you’re standing on the bus, please sit down. WE ARE NOT GOING TO WIN A CHAMPIONSHIP IN BASEBALL FOR A LONG LONG TIME!
This is Blasphemy right? How dare I say that! Am I crazy and delusional? No, unfortunately not but let’s take a look at each of our teams Just call this a state of our teams address…..Or the disarray.

Yankees: On the decline, aging superstars, almost no farm system to speak of and now a self imposed team salary cap? This is not the Yankees from the 2000’s or even from the 1990’s that actually built through the farm system. No. This is the end of a dynasty. Jeter is retiring, A-Roid is getting suspended, Cano will be resigned and we will not pick up ANY ONE ELSE! Cashman is serious about this cap. He seems serious about rebuilding but they talk about winning now. SO let’s recap team on decline, aging core, retiring heroes, overpaid busts, no farm system what so ever, half hearted rebuilding AND talk of win now…..A half hearted rebuild is an unsuccessful one. This team is in trouble and in the cellar of the AL East for at least the next 5 years unless a course is definitively picked and followed.

Mets: Do I need to continue? The ownership is so bad we have crazy slasher movie fans wanting to turn the front office into a reboot of a Michael Myers movie! The only headlines the Mets get are when people threaten us or when one of our VERY FEW actually major league ready players gets HURT! This seems to be the only thing this team is good at.
Now a self imposed deadline of “being good in 2014” has arrived but in reality, this team is no where closer to a championship then they were when Alderson took the job. In fact their worse off. We could win the minor league world series but forget a playoff spot. Forget a winning season, hell forget third place! Be realistic. We relied on Harvey and Wheeler to guide us forward, one half is gone. With Harvey down, David Wright pissed nobody on the free agent market and the Mets making systematic errors throughout Alderson’s tender (If you disagree, look at Marcum and ALL 3 OF HIS BULLPENS) I think they are going nowhere. However, we’ve become so accustomed to failure that we would take an 80 win season from our AAA1/2 baseball club that’s worth over $2.05 BILLION DOLLARS!

Recap- No money being spent, no trade talks, no fans coming to the park, and the owners being GOD AWFUL!! (At least Dolan spends money) This team is going nowhere fact. Unless the Mets get bought by the Nets owner, were screwed.

Well there you have it kids. Baseball fans, go watch the cyclones, they have a better on the field product than the Mets….Hey wait, maybe they can let the cyclones play instead of the Mets…..It’s not as if we’d know the difference!!


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